Akron, Ohio Weather by Month

By | May 10, 2002

Akron is a vibrant city located in Summit County, Ohio, United States. Situated in the northeastern part of the state, Akron lies approximately 39 miles south of Cleveland and 84 miles north of Columbus. The city is located amidst the rolling hills and beautiful landscapes of the Ohio River Valley, providing residents with a diverse array of natural beauty. Akron is known for its rich industrial history, cultural attractions, and renowned universities. With a population of over 197,000 residents, according to the latest census data, Akron is the fifth-largest city in Ohio and covers an area of approximately 62.7 square miles. The city is home to several major corporations, including Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, and is renowned for its contributions to the rubber industry. Akron boasts a variety of landmarks, including the Akron Art Museum, Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens, and the historic Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath Trail.

Climate and Weather Overview

To provide a comprehensive overview of the climate in Akron, let’s examine the average temperature, precipitation, and number of sunny days for each month of the year.

Month Average Temperature (Fahrenheit) Precipitation (inches) Sunny Days
January 32°F 2.47 inches 9 days
February 35°F 2.41 inches 9 days
March 45°F 3.09 inches 11 days
April 56°F 3.38 inches 11 days
May 67°F 3.89 inches 12 days
June 76°F 3.63 inches 11 days
July 80°F 3.71 inches 10 days
August 79°F 3.38 inches 10 days
September 71°F 3.12 inches 9 days
October 59°F 2.63 inches 8 days
November 48°F 3.03 inches 7 days
December 36°F 2.73 inches 7 days

Weather by Month


January in Akron is characterized by cold temperatures and occasional snowfall. The average high temperature is around 32°F, with overnight lows often dropping below freezing. Precipitation is moderate during this month, with an average of 2.47 inches, primarily falling as snow. Despite the colder temperatures, there are still around 9 sunny days, providing opportunities for outdoor activities such as ice skating, sledding, and winter hiking.


February brings similar weather conditions to January, with cold temperatures persisting throughout the month. The average high temperature increases slightly to around 35°F, but snowfall remains common. Precipitation levels decrease compared to January, with an average of 2.41 inches. Despite the chilly weather, residents can still enjoy outdoor activities such as cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and attending local winter festivals.


As winter transitions to spring, March sees a gradual increase in temperatures in Akron, with average highs reaching 45°F. While snowfall becomes less frequent, rain showers are common, contributing to an average precipitation of 3.09 inches. Sunny days become more abundant, with around 11 days of clear skies, providing ideal conditions for outdoor activities such as hiking, birdwatching, and visiting local parks to see the first signs of spring blooms.


April marks the onset of milder weather in Akron, with average highs reaching 56°F. While temperatures become more comfortable, rain showers become more prevalent, with an average precipitation of 3.38 inches. With 11 sunny days, residents and visitors can fully embrace the arrival of spring by participating in outdoor activities such as gardening, visiting botanical gardens, and attending spring festivals celebrating the season’s arrival.


May brings warmer temperatures to Akron, with average highs climbing to 67°F. While temperatures rise, rain showers persist, contributing to an average precipitation of 3.89 inches. With 12 sunny days, residents and visitors can enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and picnicking in the blooming countryside. Additionally, May is an excellent time to explore local farmers’ markets and orchards for fresh produce and fruits.


June heralds the arrival of summer in Akron, with average highs soaring to 76°F. The weather becomes significantly warmer, with occasional afternoon thunderstorms contributing to an average precipitation of 3.63 inches. Despite the heat, outdoor activities such as camping, fishing, and visiting amusement parks are popular choices for staying cool and enjoying the summer sun.


July is typically the warmest month in Akron, with scorching average highs of 80°F. The summer heat is accompanied by increased humidity and frequent afternoon thunderstorms, contributing to an average precipitation of 3.71 inches. Despite the intense heat, residents and visitors can still enjoy outdoor activities such as water sports, hiking in shaded areas, and visiting local festivals celebrating the season.


Similar to July, August maintains warm temperatures in Akron, with average highs hovering around 79°F. Afternoon thunderstorms remain common, contributing to an average precipitation of 3.38 inches. Despite the heat and humidity, outdoor enthusiasts can still partake in activities such as early morning hikes, birdwatching, and visiting local farms and orchards to enjoy the summer harvest.


As summer transitions to fall, September brings slightly cooler temperatures to Akron, with average highs of 71°F. While temperatures begin to moderate, occasional afternoon thunderstorms are still possible, contributing to an average precipitation of 3.12 inches. With 9 sunny days, outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and exploring the region’s natural wonders are popular choices for residents and visitors alike.


October sees a further decrease in temperatures in Akron, with average highs dropping to 59°F. While the weather remains mild, occasional rain showers are common, contributing to an average precipitation of 2.63 inches. With 8 sunny days, residents and visitors can still enjoy outdoor activities such as scenic drives, visiting pumpkin patches, and attending fall festivals celebrating the harvest season.


November brings cooler temperatures and shorter days to Akron, with average highs of 48°F. While temperatures cool, precipitation levels remain relatively high, averaging 3.03 inches. With 7 sunny days, outdoor activities such as hiking, birdwatching, and nature photography are popular as residents embrace the changing colors of fall in the countryside.


December in Akron is characterized by cold temperatures and occasional winter storms. The average high temperature is around 36°F, with cool evenings and occasional snow showers. Precipitation increases slightly compared to previous months, with an average of 2.73 inches, primarily in the form of light snowfall. Despite the cooler temperatures, there are still 7 sunny days, providing opportunities for outdoor activities such as holiday light displays, festive markets, and winter hikes in nearby parks.

Natural Disasters

While Akron is relatively sheltered from major natural disasters, it is still susceptible to occasional hazards common to the region, including severe thunderstorms, winter storms, and flooding. Severe thunderstorms can produce damaging winds, hail, and tornadoes, posing risks to both property and public safety. Winter storms can bring heavy snowfall, icy conditions, and hazardous driving conditions, leading to travel disruptions and power outages. Additionally, prolonged periods of heavy rainfall can result in river flooding, especially in low-lying areas near waterways.

Recommended Activities

Throughout the year, Akron offers a variety of indoor and outdoor activities for residents and visitors to enjoy. Some recommended activities by month include:

  • January: Ice skating, sledding, winter hiking.
  • February: Cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, attending local winter festivals.
  • March: Hiking, birdwatching, visiting botanical gardens.
  • April: Gardening, visiting local parks, attending spring festivals.
  • May: Hiking, biking, picnicking in the countryside.
  • June: Camping, fishing, visiting amusement parks.
  • July: Water sports, hiking in shaded areas, attending local festivals.
  • August: Early morning hikes, birdwatching, visiting farms and orchards.
  • September: Camping, hiking, exploring natural wonders.
  • October: Scenic drives, visiting pumpkin patches, attending fall festivals.
  • November: Nature walks, birdwatching, exploring countryside.
  • December: Holiday light displays, festive markets, winter hikes in parks.

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